I Am An Artist

Are you an artist?  I think you are but you may not know it.  We think it has to look a certain way.  I am an artist.  For many years though, I never saw myself as an artist.  As I sit here observing my surroundings and the people in my midst, I know without a doubt, we are all artists.

I remember when I met my singer/songwriter friend Chantal Kreviazuk for the first time, I didn’t know what she did in the world,  I asked her,  “what do you do”?  She replied, “I AM AN ARTIST”.

I liked the way that sounded and it really stood out to me.  Still, I didn’t know what kind of artist.  Being an artist is a broad category and it can look any way we see it.

For her, she doesn’t have to think about being an artist, she just IS.  She was a child prodigy and was playing piano at the age of 3 and writing songs not long after.

For her, being an artist is just what she’s always been. 

There was no sense of doubt or question in her answer, that was clear.

I remember thinking, “wow, I wish I had that knowing and could proclaim it with the same kind of certainty.”

Years have gone by since that initial meeting and I’ve often thought about the words and the sentiment surrounding that exchange.  I’ve seen that, in fact, Chantal is an artist.

I’ve been to her concerts, seen her interviews, witnessed the causes and charities she is passionate about, seen her with her husband and her children, met many of her fans, etc.  She is an artist in her work but also in life.

Thoughts are creative and the beliefs that come from those thoughts continue to create.

Chantal was fortunate enough to formulate powerful beliefs at an early age.

Unfortunately, for most of us, we’ve decided that only a select few are artists.

If we weren’t told we were creative or artistic, we learn to believe we aren’t. 

If we weren’t fortunate enough to be a child prodigy, we seem to chalk it up to our fate or lack thereof.

I include this information about Chantal, not to make you feel inferior or “not enough”, but If we could get out of our own way, the answers to our connection and creativity could flow.

There are so many people in my life who are extremely creative.  At times, I am intimidated and feel I don’t measure up.  One of my friends is on fire with the creative projects she is taking on.  I’ve decided though, instead of comparing myself to her and feeling  “less than”, I’m going to take it as a sign.  The sign I choose to see is this:  I am vibrating a frequency that is attracting creative people into my life.  They are here to show me that I, too, am creativity in action!

As I watch the world go by, I see that we’re all artists.  We create with our thinking and that is the ultimate artistry.  We should start claiming with clarity and ownership, “I am an artist!”

We should all begin to step into the sentiment of being artists with confidence.  Whether or not we have been in the past, we should know the simplicity of our creative minds.  Thinking is creative.  If that is true, imagine how artistic we are.

Let’s get to it.  There is no comparing ourselves to others allowed.   What will you create?   I am an artist.  You are an artist.  It’s time to create!

Speaking of creating, the following interview with Chantal is the amazing story of how her career began.  You won’t want to miss this!  You will want to watch all 4 parts I’m sure,  in part 2 she performs the song that launched her career!)

Chantal is a Canadian born, award winning singer/songwriter.  Not only does she record her own albums but she collaborates with other artists to write their songs…Avril Lavigne, Kelly Clarkson, and Gwen Stefani, just to name a few. Her songs have been featured in numerous movie and television soundtracks.  Chantal is a true inspiration and fun to watch and listen to!


Part 2 

Part 3

Part 4

Published by naturegirltara

I love life. Life teaches. I love nature. Nature teaches. I never want to lessen the lesson. Let's journey together on this trail called life! I write this blog mostly to get the chatter out of my head! I've never really promoted it but a few people read the articles and find inspiration. It really is therapeutic, writing is like having a place to process the stuff that floats around on a regular basis! In the words of John Muir, the naturalist, this is how I feel: “Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.”

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